It has been a few weeks since we got our 16 chicks! They have gotten their feathers and all are well. While they've been busy growing we've been busy building them a home. Their home is a chicken tractor. We decided on a tractor so we can move it every couple of days. This will allow them a fresh supply of soil, grass, bugs, and will build healthy soil for our farm.
When building our chicken tractor we made sure to use untreated wood. We didn't want chemicals leaching into the soil! We kept cost down by using recycled tin and parts of an old screen door from around the farm. We recycled some wheels from an old spreader so the tractor is easily moved.
Shaun was the brain work behind this project. He looked at a lot of different designs and borrowed what he liked to create our chicken mansion (a.k.a. chicken tractor).
The coop is elevated to protect against predators and provides shade. Our chicks are able to scratch and peck the entire length and width of the tractor.
The boys had fun building and using power tools with their daddy! They learned about measurements and tool safety.
We used a heavy plastic poultry netting to wrap the frame. This was a cheaper investment and easy to work with. As of now the Carver Chickens have been residents of their new home a few weeks. No sign of predators. The tractor is working out great!
One last thing we still need to add is a ramp. Otherwise one project down and a never ending list to go! Until next time, have a blessed day. Join our email list to get fresh updates from the farm.
Shaun & Alisha