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Make Your Own Chicken Bone Broth

Bone broth has been all the rage for a few years! According to in New York City people actually buy it by the cup for a whopping $4 to $9! Bone broth is a sort of health tonic. It promotes a healthy gut, immune system, joints and skin! I usually make it once per week and drink it by the cup, make soup and add a little to casseroles to boost nutrients and keep it from being too dry.

Traditionally bone broth cooks on low for 12 to 24 hours. I usually allow mine around 15 hours. We use the chicken meat in other dishes that are moist since it's been cooking so long. I'll share in a later post some chicken dishes we enjoy. The bones will be very soft! You will be able to break them apart by hand with ease. Our dog, Smokey, enjoys this treat.

Below is how I make bone broth. It always turns out great!


1 whole organic chicken

1 medium size onion

3-5 carrots

2 celery stalks

3 cloves of garlic

1 Tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar

1 Tablespoon Coconut Oil

1 Tablespoon Sea Salt

Water (enough to cover chicken, roughly 14 cups)


Place chicken in your stockpot or crock pot. Roughly chop onion, carrots, and celery then throw them in the pot. Peel medium garlic cloves, placing in pot whole. Add apple cider vinegar, sea salt and coconut oil. Cover with water. Bring to a boil then reduce heat to simmer. Cover with lid.

I always temp when its been about 15 hours. It temps above 200 degrees. Let it cool. Put your chicken in the fridge. Strain your broth into mason jars and place in fridge. It will last in the fridge a week.

Our family also drinks a cup of bone broth whenever we feel a cold coming on. So, do you think you'll jump on the wagon to making your own bone broth? Let me know how you enjoy your bone broth and please subscribe to our email list to enjoy fresh updates from the farm!

Until next time....

Blessings to you,


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