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Steps to Ordering Chicks from a Hatchery Part 2

Yesterday was the big day! We got a ring from the Post Office a little before 8:00 a.m. The boys had instructed me the night before to wake them up! They were so excited. Noah said, "The last time I was this excited was Christmas." Anyway, we picked them up and gave a count in the car. We ordered 15 and the hatchery sent us 16, I hear they do that sometimes. All were alive and well.

So, from our experience ordering from the hatchery gets a thumbs up. The process was quick and easy. We ordered from Cackle Hatchery in Missouri. We do not have any experience with other hatcheries.

Below I have laid out the steps we took with the hatchery to get our chicks.

Step 1: We googled hatcheries near us so the chicks didn't have as far to travel. Just like us, traveling can leave them tired and stressed. We were blessed to find a hatchery about two hours away.

Step 2: Visit their website. The birds are divided into categories for easy selection. We looked under the tab "Baby Chicks" then subcategory "Brown Egg Layers" because we already knew we were looking for this type.

Step 3: On the "Brown Egg Layers" page are pictures of the different breeds available. Click on each breed to get a description of the bird. They let you know the bird's temperament, history, have videos, and the best uses of the breed.

Step 4: Choose your breed. Once we narrowed it down to Buff Orpington and Wyandotte we chose the sex, amount we wanted and then added to our cart. The more you buy the less it costs per chicken.

Step 5: Fill out the new customer form.

Step 6: Check out. We checked the box to have the chicks shipped and then paid.

Step 7: The hatchery emails a receipt and information about shipment.

Step 8: Shipment date. Once the hatchery had a confirmed shipment date I received an email with that information.

Step 9: The Post Office calls and we picked up our chicks.

Step 10 ENJOY...optional!

There was great communication from Cackle Hatchery. All 16 chicks are alive and healthy. We will definitely order from them again. If you are considering chicks check out their website at It is very educational and can help you decide which breed to make a part of your farm or back yard.

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Blessings to you,

Shaun & Alisha

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