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Natural Bug Repellant

The first month of being on the farm was crazy with ticks! At night we would have to do a full body search, sometimes finding several on just one of us. I did some digging and found a recipe that repels ticks, mosquitos, and supposedly fleas. We don't have a problem with fleas but if you do and this works for you please share with us.

This recipe I adapted from rocky mountain oils.

Supplies you will need:

4 oz. spray bottle

2 oz of filtered water

1 tsp carrier oil (I use olive oil)

40 drops essential oil

I use a blend of 15 drops geranium, 12 drops thyme, and 13 drops lavender. This needs to be refrigerated and will last 1 - 2 weeks. Shake before using.

Ticks- thyme, geranium

Mosquitoes- thyme, lavender

Fleas- lavender

Since we started spraying this recipe on each time before going out we rarely get a tick. Usually, it's because we either did not spray our upper body or did not reapply after a couple hours. Yes, you do have to apply every 2 hours or so but totally worth it since it keeps ticks and mosquitoes away!

Before using any essential oils make sure to do an allergy test to make sure you are not allergic.

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